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Utah theaters ban 'porn comedy.'

I'm just blown away by people who seem to be much more offended by the idea of pornography (even a movie that doesn't actually contain pornography) then they are by a movie that has dozens and dozens of depictions of gory, sadistic violence and self-mutilation.

It's no wonder then that many very religious people have such twisted views of human sexuality and react so viscerally against the very thought of people actually enjoying sex, or gasp, like being titillated by watching others have sex. The horror, the horror! It is also no wonder that they often suffer from psycho-sexual disorders because they are brought up to believe that human sexuality is something to be ashamed of, something to fear, something profoundly and fundamentally immoral.

PS Before you get on your morality hobby horse and lecture me about the terrible things that happen to people in the porn industry, please spare me the fake outrage. Because you know that banning something that is in demand, something as old as civilization, would simply create yet another underground black market run by the most ruthless of criminals. Some day, that dawning of reality may actually shed light on the other artificially produced black markets, due to the morality crusaders against drugs and prostitution, and we may actually have a grown up conversation about these things in this country for once. I guess I can dream.


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