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Showing posts from October 26, 2008

Getting it.

I have a wonderful and sweet 7 year old son, and he is the light of my life. I have been in a state of stunned outrage for too long with the current leadership of my country. My son's future means everything to me, and only Senator Obama seems to "get it.*" I, like many other's feel that this is truly a once in a lifetime chance for my son and I, and my fellow citizens and we ought not blow it by being fooled again by fear and loathing. * Helps to read his book, The Audacity of Hope. You know, books, what, apparently "real" Americans haven't been reading in some time.

Utah theaters ban 'porn comedy.'

I'm just blown away by people who seem to be much more offended by the idea of pornography ( even a movie that doesn't actually contain pornography ) then they are by a movie that has dozens and dozens of depictions of gory, sadistic violence and self-mutilation. It's no wonder then that many very religious people have such twisted views of human sexuality and react so viscerally against the very thought of people actually enjoying sex, or gasp, like being titillated by watching others have sex. The horror, the horror! It is also no wonder that they often suffer from psycho-sexual disorders because they are brought up to believe that human sexuality is something to be ashamed of, something to fear, something profoundly and fundamentally immoral. PS Before you get on your morality hobby horse and lecture me about the terrible things that happen to people in the porn industry, please spare me the fake outrage. Because you know that banning something that is in demand, somethi

The Republican Satan is brought out of retirement...

Seriously? Tom Delay? Really? Tom Delay thinks that McCain's campaign has been too nice, too vanilla? I've gotten mailbox spam accusing Obama of everything but outright pedophilia, and Mr. Bug Killer, too corrupt even for the Texas GOP, is somehow given a segment on the supposed liberal MSNBC (owned by that liberal conglomerate of Microsoft and General Electric) to peddle the same discredited and disproved bullshit that continues to be treated as gospel by the very same people who ravaged McCain in the primaries as being too liberal? Wow, the stunning cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is like seeing the sun rise in the west and being told that it is nothing to worry about, that it has always risen in the west, and that what you remembered all along was mistaken, and you should probably lay down for a spell. I'm just pissed that Matthews didn't give this reprobate the treatment he's given to other, less ridiculous idiots he's interviewed. One has to wonder ab

What she said...

Amanda at really nailed this for me so I didn't have to go off on a rant myself regarding Liddy Dole's last, desperate attempt to keep her cushy job in which she apparently gets to live off of the taxpayer's money while doing everything she can to screw them... a good gig if you can get it. Oh, and not actually living, or even visiting the state you represent except for slush-fund replenishing dinners is pretty posh too I suppose. What’s awesome about atheists is we really are fucking scary, and just for the reasons I outlined above. Many of us look exactly like “real Americans”, as defined by McCain/Palin. We’re all scary and mysterious like that. You could be sitting next to a white lady with a Texas accent holding a boy’s hand on the bus and feel secure that she’s not a scary Other that is rotting this country at its core, but you’d be wrong, because that lady is me and I’m a Godless American. We’re everywhere, like Amway, except we have morals but no god,


OMFG ! Bill "Mr. Virtue" Bennett and McCain's Campaign spokesman on feminism! LOL ! The irony and rank hypocrisy is so stunning you have to wonder if the Academy may consider them for an Oscar for best supporting roles in a drama...

Reagan Flips Out... Pisses on Living Room Floor.

The Power of Christ Compels You, the Power of Christ Compels You! Wow, this family is screwed up... the girl needs an exorcism, the boy needs a beating for torturing his sister, and the mother needs rehab for her obvious Valium addiction. Daddy is probably at the bar on his third vodka martini... ah, the quintessential American family. Gotta love it. I just feel so sorry for her current and future boy or girl friends.

The Tragedy of the all too Common

Watch this: this is an all too common and horrible problem, the violence against women by the men who professed to love them, and how, sometimes, sometimes politicians can actually make a tremendous difference in ordinary people's lives.

Pleading for the future...

"I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men." - Clarence Darrow. Keith Olbermann again cuts through the bullshit and talks about what many of us fear... and how to prevent it. If only we'd listen to reason. I know, what a concept. Yes, of course he's a partisan!! How the hell could you not be in this starkly obvious election? This election is hopefully not a premature referendum on the maturity of the proverbial hearts of men.

Mensa Rejects Find Refuge with Skinhead Movement

Two dipshits who should be neutered with a rusty ball peen hammer. These two guys do appear to be amateurs... as they are reportedly members of the newly formed Supreme White Alliance ( SWA ). According to the breathless ATF report, they were planning to go on a huge murder spree. Odds are they were probably and hopefully (due to their age and obvious inferiority complexes) just talking shit on the Internet... but we'll see. I fear that for every stupid retard the Feds catch, craftier and crazier nut bags, who fancy themselves patriots, like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph are out there biding their time. I tell myself, that fear of crazy assholes is normal, especially since we live in a free society that has to allow (but not tolerate silently, mind you) hateful opinions in order to ensure free speech. These hateful opinions and ideas that can warp impressionable young people's minds by dehumanizing fellow citizens should be fought against at all costs, but not at the expe

The Political Race and Friendships

For the last couple of weeks I've had a bit of a running conversation via e-mail with an old Air Force buddy about racism, especially concerning politics, and the Obama presidential campaign specifically. It has been exasperating to an extent because I allow him to get my goat, which puts me on the defensive, and that isn't, to say the least, the strategy that leads to positive persuasion. I'll be honest, I enjoy debate, but I'm lousy at persuasive argument. I make a lousy sales person because I often forget the dictum, " always be closing ," and meander around the showroom of ideas picking up shiny things and get momentarily and thus, fatally distracted. Just because I enjoy something doesn't translate automatically into being very good at something, if it did, I'd be a great golfer and a world renowned movie critic. Enjoying the passion of defending a set of beliefs based on evidence and reason, doesn't mean you will become particularly good at i

my wheel house

I love Sarah Mclachlan. Not just for her beauty and her incredibly seductive voice, I love her for her ability to capture and express such common pain in a way that makes all who feel angst and depression in our routine and "normal" lives that we learn to treasure just another moment to stay alive, to enjoy, to fight for another dawn and appreciate what we have.