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American Idiot

So, I was in the gym minding my own business when this little dude (shorter than I, so yeah, little) walks up to the woman working out next to me and I can't help but over hear him prattling on about how he is going to set up tables at an old folks home and get medicare to pay for his 'services.' I assume he's a massage therapist or worse, a chiropractor.

I don't pay it much mind, but then he launches into a mini-diatribe toward his clearly uninterested friend about how Obama is going to ruin the health care industry in his first year in office, and blah, fucking, blah, fucking, yada, yada.

I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes.

He turned to me, and asked me what I thought since I obviously didn't agree. I told him that I thought if we could borrow what works from European and Canadian models I think we could seriously reduce the cost of health care (which is the highest in the world, yet we have a much higher mortality rate anyway) and provide coverage for many more people.

He turned beet-red and started ranting about how I "didn't have a clue," and asked if I'd ever been to Canada or Europe with a vicious condescending tone...

At that point I cut the motherfucker off, and said, "that's some high risk behavior you like to indulge in. With you insulting perfect strangers like this, I hope your insurance company will cover you getting your ass beat by somebody less tolerant than I am."

He stood their stunned, silent, and I just turned back to the TV and pedaled a little faster with a grin on my face.

Fucking idiots and their goddamn pseudo-intellectual fucking talking points... god I hate them.


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