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The Audacity of History

McCain's concession speech was warm, and gracious, even tearful. I hope it at least dampens some of the anger and fear those who did not want to see Senator Obama win the Presidency. Ethan, Luc, and I cheered and clapped tonight, but also shared a bit of apprehension (that was evident in Michelle Obama's face at times). What an incredible day, and night. Luc and I knocked on almost 100 doors to "get out the vote," known as GOTV... mostly uneventful, except for the Jehovah's Witness who answered the door and wanted to know why his wife was registered to vote (he said that JW's don't vote, and she was cooking dinner, and too busy to speak on her own behalf)... I hope she's okay. Oh, and to Nikita, the 21 year old, who said, "I don't agree with Obama's morals," because he wasn't sufficiently anti-gay and anti-abortion... let me say, in the voice of Nelson, the scruffy scamp of the Simpsons, "ha, ha."

Love and Peace in this new dawn my friends. Nice to be apart of history, and alive during "interesting times."



  2. Project much Jamie? LOL! Guess I struck a nerve, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to actually jibe me with something that is actually pretty funny. Since you only see me through the lense of this blog, perhaps you think I am like the satire you point out... I can see that. The election is over, sure, but Obama's presidency hasn't even begun... I'll have plenty to comment on, especially the long knives coming out among the Republicans who appear to be somewhat leader and rudder-less. ;-) Keep the crap coming my way if it entertains you, I don't mind.

  3. I wasn't trying to "jibe" you, I was pointing out that you spent what seemed a lot of time canvasing for Obama and now that it is over, what are you going to do? I understand it is satire and that is what I love about the onion. I also know other people here at school just like it. Sometimes you are too sensitive on this also. I actually was at peace a few days prior that McCain was not going to win, but now is my turn to do the Obama bashing as you bashed Bush.

    I just love it how all of a sudden now his message of "Change" is, "Well maybe not right away, but maybe after my 1st term". That is not what the American people were thinking, we are a society of getting instant feedback. When Obama doesn't "Change" right away, or even after a few years, people are going to question him.


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