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So I get this Spam in my inbox from a mailing list I am on. It goes on page after page quoting Bible verse (both old/new testaments) "proving" that McCain (don't forget Cain slew Abel, don't ya know) and Sarah Palin are of SATAN!!! OMG!! Run for the hills. It's annoying when I get crap like that about Obama being the anti-Christ and whatnot, but it's somehow disconcerting to see such a shallow, and frankly absurd tactic used in support of him. And no, I'm not saying all McCain's supporters are rabid Bible-thumping idiots (there are a bunch of course), nor am I saying all of Obama's supporters are all highly intelligent, well-educated, sober-minded rationalists either. Hardly, I've met my share of Obama Kool-Aid drinkers, and they are just as off-putting, weird, and frankly scary as any Right Wing Nut too. The e-mailer titled her e-mail "FW: WE LOVE OBAMA.....MCCAIN/PALIN ARE SENT BY SATAN....QUOTES FROM THE BIBLE!!!" So, that should give you the flavor of it. And of course, the all-caps is so damn annoying. So this is how I responded to the e-mail (and copied it to all 300 others on the list).

I really like Barack Obama too, I especially admire his ability to not rise to the stupid bait that the authoritarian/greedy Right Wing-nuts keep dangling in front of him. He's better than I am for it. I love to argue, and it is a trap I easily finding myself falling into whenever a mouth-breather starts talking about how terrible Obama is using easily disprovable lies, or how Great St. McCain is going to kill Osama Bin Laden with his bare hands, etc. When you argue with a fool, it is hard to tell the difference between you and the fool. And doesn't persuade others to join with you.

I know from a religious person's point of view (as I was raised/believed in Christianity until early adulthood) that you and others of the Christian faith firmly and sincerely believe you are trying to be inclusive when you say we "are all one in Christ," but it doesn't feel that way when religion is used to divide people in a political campaign. Republicans have been grand-wizard-masters (pun intended) at it, and that is top of the millions of reasons I do not vote for them. They seek to divide and conquer the electorate (that's us, by the way) and they gleefully use religion and selfish greed and especially fear to do it. I'm not particularly comfortable to see it being done for Obama either.




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