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What started it...

Oh, I forgot to include the first e-mail I sent to my Republican friend from Michigan after he sent me the Sean Hannity version of recent history youtube video; this'll give it more context, I think.

I can just picture the evil little smirk as you hit send... hell, I know what that's like! :-P Okay, "let loose the dogs of war!" in other words, LOL!

Now, I know that you are much too smart to believe such selectively edited highly misleading propaganda hook, line and sinker of course... and all of the "facts" are true... such is the beauty of Propaganda. But I have to ask you, which party has always been about deregulating the banking industry? Hmm? Which party, under the pen of Phil Gramm effectively repealed the Glass-Steagall Act (look it up)?

Yes, I know "Klintoon" signed it into law. He was kinda busy being impeached by your buddies to even consider vetoing it (if he were inclined to, which he probably wasn't anyway, but that's beside the point). If you are telling me that all of this economic catastrophe is mostly the Dems fault I'll just take it as a joke, like when I listen to Hannity for laughs. But seriously, there's plenty of blame-poop to sling at each other... but let's be honest, at least the Democrats appear, on the surface at least, to give a smidgen more about people in our income bracket, and seem to be less inclined to start stupid wars with no end in sight and belligerently stoke racism like the Republicans do.

This, in my mind at least, just proves that politics is just about manipulating our less-conscious part of our brains through fear and anger. I'm angry all right, but I was never angry at the Iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11, or angry at immigrants from south of the border (not just Mexicans of course) who, if I were in their shoes, would be taking jobs here, or angry at people who truly do need our collective help... no, I'm pissed off at the collection of good old boys (Dems and Repubs alike) that have possibly destroyed this country's future, and therefore mine, yours, and my son's future.

Most seriously, and sincerely,


PS I'm voting for Barack HUSSEIN Obama not because he's black, or yammers about "change," I'm voting for him (and volunteering/canvassing/hosting phonebanks/debate watching parties) because I believe the current course of our country is dangerous, unsustainable, and simply immoral. I cannot support a party that condones torture, borrows money from foreign governments to "fund" tax cuts for people and corporations that do not need them, a political party and ideology that does everything it can to destroy unions, that talks about foreign policy as if it were simply a street brawl, and has been attempting at every turn, to unravel social safety nets in an ideologically-stupid jihad of corporate greed.

The irony, the ultimate irony of the Bush administration, is that they actually claimed to be putting "the adults back in charge." Heck of a Job. Heck of a Job. If it is simply a game, when all is said and done, perhaps they've won. And we were too stupid to stop them.


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